Our long-standing experience in tax policies in Egypt enables us to provide our clients with the right technical opinion on how to build a distinct tax structure and the office includes atax department specializing in the field of various tax examinations and tax advice, which includes, in particular, the following areas:
First: General taxes.
Taxes on the entry of natural persons and taxes on companies (money companies – people’s companies). And it’s as follows:
- Tax on commercial and industrial income
- Tax on salaries and what is in their (Gaining work)
- Tax deduction under tax account
- Real estate tax.
Specialized taxes
A- VAT (previoussales).
The department helps clients prepare and file monthly tax returns and annual settlements (if any), attend tax checks, discuss tax commissioners, attend complaints and supreme complaints committees, appear before experts appointed by the courts and end the tax situation.
B- Taxes on real estate transaction revenues and real estate taxes.
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